The beautiful M170r by Planet Eclipse offers a extremely smooth, high end mechanical marker at exceptional value. This Second Generation Gtek, with its hoseless design, stretched out stance, simple flowing lines and exceptional ergonomics have combined with the iconic Gamma Core drive train to produce a paintball marker of outstanding performance and feel. With the Mechanical and Classic paintball revolution in full effect, Planet Eclipse has sprinkled some old skool cool on this latest of platforms. With the M170r you can play paintball the classic way while keeping up with other markers and looking cool.
- GTEK M170r Marker
- Empire EVS Goggles
- Dye LTR loader
- TotemAir High Pressure Carbon Air system 4500 psi 1.1L
- Devil Pack(with pats)
- Eclipse mech Division Patch
Really nice setup which offers great value and will work for anyone looking to progress, or upgrade from lower end setup.
Suitable for mech games!
M170r Silver Package
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