The 170R combines a raft of advanced features to bring the Gtek line bang up to date. this icludes the brand new inline regulator directly adjacent to the new POPS assembly, in the base of the frame, moving the battery into the foregrip, and mounting the solenoid inside the frame, rather than mounting to the bottom of the body. Even the new breech sensor system, that utilizes prismatic light pipes to guide the infrared light through the breech, is attached to the frame. This means that all critical components are now housed within the frame, simplifying the design, and making maintenance and break down far quicker and easier. Adding to the simplicity of the package, the 170R also includes toolless access to the eye covers, detent, battery and of course the drivetrain and bolt. These all go to make the 170R incredibly simple to clean and maintain. A pleasure to live with both on and off the field. If you are looking for a simple, stylish and deadly shooter, the 170r is for you.
- GTEK 170r Marker
- Dye AXIS Goggle system
- Dye LTR loader
- TotemAir High Pressure Air system 3000 psi
- Eclipse Patch
Really nice setup which offers great value and will work for anyone looking to progress, or upgrade from lower end setup.
Gtek 170r Silver Package
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