This GOLD package contains everything in the ETHA 2 SILVER package PLUS your first days play as an own-gunner FREE - your event fee included, and a case of 2000 Tommahawk paitballs!
- ETHA 2 Marker
- Dye Axis Pro Goggles
- 0.8L 3000psi TotemAir HPA system
- Dye LTR Rotor powered loader
- 5+3 DEVIL pod pack
- DEVIL Gloves
- 4 x Dye Alpha pods
The Proto Rize offers a great first step into marker ownership for Hobbyists looking to progress to Club games and entry level tournament play !
ETHA 2 - GOLD Package
Choose Hopper Colour
To purchase a paintball marker you must now be a memeber of the UKPSF. Please visit to start your memberhsip.